1857 was a bad year for New York City and the nation. In the City, two opposing police forces squared off against each other, street gangs staged bloody riots, and the sinking of the S.S. Central America helped precipitate a financial depression. Another "History as it Happened" article, researched, compiled and written by Gregory J. Christiano. |
"Where 'the Gangs' Lived," a compendium of news articles from and commentary about mid-19th century New York, researched, compiled and written by Gregory J. Christiano. Read Gregory Christiano's review of Martin Scorcese's film The Gangs of New York, at Book Review Net. Read Charles Dickens observations of the Five Points, excerpted from his American Notes |
Before Hollywood became the be-all and end-all of American cinema, New York City, center of theater, was also a center of film-making. Vitagraph Studios had a home next to the BMT Brighton Beach Line. Its history is described in this article by Irvin Leigh Matus. |
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